by TSS, Inc. | Dec 5, 2022 | Community Safety, Featured, Home Safety
There is no good time to have a fire in your business or home. Every year, we read about fires that occur during the holiday season. Many of those fires are caused by improper usage of holiday lighting, overloading of outlets or trees that have gotten too dry. Heating...
by TSS, Inc. | Nov 3, 2022 | Featured, Home Safety
Family, football, food. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for celebrating traditions and togetherness and the last thing you want to worry about is your loved ones’ health and safety. But with the cooking, travel and chaos it is advisable to consider potential...
by TSS, Inc. | Jan 4, 2022 | Community Safety, Home Safety
Did you know December, January and February are peak months for house fires? More home cooking and heating as well as holiday decorations, winter storms and the use of candles – all increase the risk of fire during the cold months. Each year, about 900 people die in...