Harvest Safety Tips

Harvest Safety Tips

Fall is here and it’s harvest time for America’s farmers. Those who do not live and work in rural areas may imagine farming to be a physically demanding, but relatively safe occupation. In fact, agriculture is one of the most hazardous jobs you can have....
Workplace Safety: The Safety Walkaround

Workplace Safety: The Safety Walkaround

June marks National Safety Month and as any safety professional will tell you, prevention is key to ensuring a safe workplace. That means ongoing maintenance and housekeeping initiatives to ensure any on-the-job hazards are cleaned up and resolved before anyone gets...
Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

No matter what kind of work environment you are in — retail store, office, school, job site or manufacturing facility — slips, trips and falls happen everywhere. In fact, falls are the leading cause of death in construction and, in general, only motor vehicle...
Substance Use and the Bottom Line

Substance Use and the Bottom Line

Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is harmful for everyone. Substance use can impair a worker’s ability to make cognitive decisions, emotions, actions, etc. and you never know how someone will behave under the influence. Most importantly, the safety of the...