Summer Heat Precautions

Summer Heat Precautions

We are all ready for the joy of summer sun and outdoor activities. Shedding our winter gear for flip flops and tank tops and heading to the ballparks, has many of us excited! But as the temperatures soar this season, we should all keep in mind that the heat can be...
Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

No matter what kind of work environment you are in — retail store, office, school, job site or manufacturing facility — slips, trips and falls happen everywhere. In fact, falls are the leading cause of death in construction and, in general, only motor vehicle...
Basic Poison Prevention Tips

Basic Poison Prevention Tips

Take a peak under your kitchen sink or in your laundry room and you will likely see many items that could be dangerous. Household cleaning agents, prescription medications, pesticides and many other common products can pose serious hazards to the health of our...
Workplace Training at Your Pace

Workplace Training at Your Pace

The start of the year is an ideal time to make sure you are up to date on your workplace training requirements. But we know, it’s also a busy time when it’s tough to schedule time for in-person or webinar training. So why not consider taking an online...
Ready for 2024? We are here to help!

Ready for 2024? We are here to help!

The TSS team is so grateful for your support as we celebrate 24 years of business with our owner, Renee Schofield. Over that time, we’ve worked with so many of you, in so many different industries, to keep your employees safe. As a small business, we say THANK YOU for...