Cold Weather AED Care

Cold Weather AED Care

During the coldest days of winter, a question that we often get from TSS clients is: “Do we need to do anything special to care for our Automated External Defibrillator (AED) when it’s freezing out?” The last thing employers or individuals want...
May is Stop the Bleed Month

May is Stop the Bleed Month

Did you know that a person can bleed to death in less than five minutes and that the average first responder arrival time is between seven and 10 minutes? A severe bleeding injury can happen anywhere at any time. According to the National Institutes of Health 30%...
Water Safety Tips

Water Safety Tips

With Labor Day coming up and many families trying to squeeze in the last moments of summer fun, we just want to remind you about how important it is to take safety precautions around water, especially when children are involved. The American Red Cross has three safety...
Check your CPR/First Aid Cards

Check your CPR/First Aid Cards

Spring will be here before you know it and many people working in outdoor, recreational and educational industries will be renewing their CPR and First Aid certification for their jobs. If your card expires in the next three months, now is the time to take the course...
First Aid and CPR are for EVERYONE

First Aid and CPR are for EVERYONE

We are all guilty of reacting to first-aid situations in ways that our Grandma did it – like putting butter on a burn. You can probably think of several of those “old wives tales” that are now known to be BAD IDEAS. But how do we learn the right way,...