TSS, Inc. Ketchikan has been a participant in the Ketchikan Community Health Fair for more than 21 years.
A Health Fair is a great way to get a snapshot of what is going on in your body and what you may need to be paying attention to. At least once at every annual health fair, our team helps someone become aware of a health issue that they did not realize they had. We have been able to direct them to a doctor who guides them in either managing that problem or, in some instances, get them to the specialist they need for treatment.
Popular packages at Health Fairs may include a Women’s or Men’s package, or one that focuses on Thyroid or Vitamin D. We have offered Covid Antibody testing and Hepatitis C testing in years where these were tests that were in the forefront of people’s minds. Most packages require fasting, which means no food or drink with calories for up to 12 hours before testing. Be sure to check before you show up!
Health Fairs are also a way to save on the cost of blood work. Many people do not have insurance and Health Fairs typically offer discounted rates. Health Fairs can save the donor up to 75% off the regular price. So, for many people, this is the only medical contact they have all year.
If you are in search of a Health Fair or similar event in your city a good way to find an event is to Google Health Fairs in your area, check with your local Public Health Department or check with your State Public Health. Labor unions or even employers also often offer Health Fairs.
A Health Fair is a good way to stay in touch with your body, check on how it is doing and what you should be doing to prevent issues in the future. It is also a valuable tool for your doctor to determine changes in your health and care over a period of time.
TSS Ketchikan will hold its Health Fair from November 1 – 17. Hours are 8 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday, no appointment necessary. And remember to FAST!