Workplace Training at Your Pace

Workplace Training at Your Pace

The start of the year is an ideal time to make sure you are up to date on your workplace training requirements. But we know, it’s also a busy time when it’s tough to schedule time for in-person or webinar training. So why not consider taking an online...
Ready for 2024? We are here to help!

Ready for 2024? We are here to help!

The TSS team is so grateful for your support as we celebrate 24 years of business with our owner, Renee Schofield. Over that time, we’ve worked with so many of you, in so many different industries, to keep your employees safe. As a small business, we say THANK YOU for...
10 Tips for working in frigid temps

10 Tips for working in frigid temps

In many parts of the country the cold winter weather has arrived, and with it come numerous health and safety hazards that aren’t always visible to the naked eye. Cold stress, which occurs when the skin and body temperature is driven down to the point where the body...
Distracted Driving Dangers

Distracted Driving Dangers

As we approach the winter season and the increasing likelihood of inclement weather, it’s worth reminding ourselves about the dangers of distracted driving. You would assume that if you and those around you follow the rules of the road, you should be able to get to...
Winter Pedestrian Safety

Winter Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrians are considered the most vulnerable people on the roadway because of just how easily they can get hurt or overlooked by drivers, especially at this time of year. Dark mornings and early evenings are upon us and since the sun rises later and sets earlier...
The Cost of Workplace Fatigue

The Cost of Workplace Fatigue

With the change from Daylight Savings Time, grayer skies, colder weather, fewer hours of sunlight, as well as the start of cold and flu season, there are many reasons workers may be fatigued in the late fall and winter. In addition, the stress of the holidays and...