by TSS Safety | Mar 4, 2025 | Featured, Home Safety, Uncategorized
Poison Prevention Week, held during the third week of March, reminds us that some of the deadliest and most dangerous items in our homes are hiding in plain sight. Each year an estimated 3 million people, many under the age of 5, are exposed to poisonous substances....
by TSS, Inc. | Oct 15, 2024 | Community Safety, Featured, Home Safety
There is no good time to have a fire in your business or home. Every year, we read about fires that occur as the temperatures dip. Many of those fires are caused by improper usage of space heaters, overloading of outlets or home maintenance issues. Proper attention in...
by TSS, Inc. | Mar 8, 2024 | Featured, Home Safety, Uncategorized
Take a peak under your kitchen sink or in your laundry room and you will likely see many items that could be dangerous. Household cleaning agents, prescription medications, pesticides and many other common products can pose serious hazards to the health of our...
by TSS, Inc. | Apr 4, 2023 | Featured, Home Safety, Workplace Safety
Did you know that poisoning is the number one cause of unintentional death in the United States? In 2021, for example, there were more than 102,000 deaths from unintentional poisoning, according to the Centers for Disease Control. While the majority of these were...
by TSS, Inc. | Nov 3, 2022 | Featured, Home Safety
Children are uniquely vulnerable to a host of potential risks and dangers starting from the time they leave the hospital and are strapped into their first car seat. It’s normal for kids of all ages to explore and take risks. Unfortunately, they also frequently get...
by TSS, Inc. | Nov 3, 2022 | Featured, Home Safety
Family, football, food. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for celebrating traditions and togetherness and the last thing you want to worry about is your loved ones’ health and safety. But with the cooking, travel and chaos it is advisable to consider potential...
by TSS, Inc. | May 10, 2022 | Community Safety, Featured, Home Safety, Workplace Safety
Are you as safe as you can be around electricity in your home and workplace? This is a question worth considering as we recognize National Electrical Safety Month in May. Most people would answer, “Yes.” But people can become complacent as they handle everyday...
by TSS Safety | May 7, 2022 | Featured, Home Safety, Recreational Safety, Uncategorized
Spring has finally arrived! While we all enjoy getting outside more, being out in nature during the warmer months brings with it the potential for tick bites. Every time we venture outdoors, we need to be vigilant in examining ourselves, our kids and our pets for...
by TSS, Inc. | Apr 6, 2022 | Home Safety, Workplace Safety
A ladder is one of the basic tools we all have and use in our homes or at work. It is also commonly a cause of injuries and sometimes even death. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than half a million people are treated for ladder-related...
by TSS, Inc. | Jan 4, 2022 | Community Safety, Home Safety
Did you know December, January and February are peak months for house fires? More home cooking and heating as well as holiday decorations, winter storms and the use of candles – all increase the risk of fire during the cold months. Each year, about 900 people die in...