4 Basic Dump Truck Safety Tips

4 Basic Dump Truck Safety Tips

Like any other job site situation involving heavy equipment, operating or working around dump trucks can pose significant safety risks to your workers, if they aren’t taking proper precautions. Between 2011 and 2020, 809 workers died from accidental injuries that...
Meet the Collector: Aubrey McCurley

Meet the Collector: Aubrey McCurley

Hi, my name is Aubrey McCurley. I have worked in TSS’s Juneau office as a Certified Drug Test Collector since October 2022. At our Juneau location, we do a little bit of everything including a lot of drug testing and fingerprinting. I love my job with TSS because I’ve...
Meet the Collector: Myron McCord

Meet the Collector: Myron McCord

My name is Myron McCord and I work in the Keokuk, Iowa TSS office. I started with TSS in February 2022, and I absolutely love working here. The Keokuk office works diligently with local companies, organizations and communities, to help keep the workforce and community...
Prevent Hot Car Deaths

Prevent Hot Car Deaths

It’s a shocking story we hear all too often this time of year. A child dies after being left alone in a hot car. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), heat stroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related deaths in children under 15. Heat stroke...