I’ve learned a lot over the years that TSS has been in existence. And I learn something new every day! I am a visual learner and have had the good fortune of working with many people along the way who support that. Early on, I joined the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce. I wanted to be part of a business organization that would support me and my business. I found a group that not only did that, but also became lifelong friends and colleagues. If I named names, I would forget someone, so I won’t. But two guys, JC Conley and Doug Ward, insisted that I become a board member for Ketchikan AND for the Alaska State Chamber. Those two guys are very persuasive! I served a good number of years as a director for both chambers and as a chair. Today, TSS is a member of multiple Chambers of Commerce and the Alaska State Chamber. Membership has allowed TSS to educate others and promote our industry while also advocating for business in general. I’ll say, hands down, that the time investment in chamber participation is always good, and you’ll get out of it what you put into it. While JC has passed on to heaven, I want to say THANKS for the push to Doug. Your encouragement and support really helped cement statewide relationships, that I would not have otherwise had. And about those meetings…. Those meetings were something. If you never saw JC argue a point about timber or mining, you really missed out! Those were certainly exciting times.
By the time we moved into our Carlanna office in Ketchikan, our Juneau office was in full swing. We moved from place to place in the early years, but have been in our Jordan Creek Center since the early 2000s. Currently situated in Suite 105, we have a great location for all our patrons, with ample parking. Over the years, Juneau has employed multiple people, but one person stands out: Bryant Bearfield, Jr. Bryant came to us after he retired from the Alaska Marine Highway System. He quickly learned the ropes of federal drug testing from the other side of the cup. For more than 15 years, Bryant worked with us. It was not always the perfect scenario for either of us, but at the end of the day, I always knew (and still do) that if I needed him, he would help however he could. Funny, charming and onery are a few of the adjectives to describe him. He not only could run the office, he was a taxi for us at the airport, he oversaw employee issues with the Juneau team, and he would show up, no matter what time you needed him. We also got the benefit of his wife, Jan Marie. When we needed to buy a car, she knew where to find one. When homeless folks broke into our car and made it a camp, she got them out. When I needed furniture for the Juneau apartment, Jan Marie made it happen, including artwork. When I needed a strong personality in Juneau, I called Jan Marie. Together, we’ve been through a lot. Some major health issues, family issues and sometimes Bryant just got tired of us. But he always came back. He has moved on (for now), and people are still asking where Bryant is! Everyone remembers him, as he is friendly and kind to all. If you know Bryant, ask him about the time I sent him to jail. It’s a great story!
As you can see, while safety is what we do, our why is based in PEOPLE. It’s all about the people. From our families and friends to our customers and colleagues, we take care of people. All day, every day.